really random posts about food, eating well and healthy, my life, chocolates and dramas!

374: MOS Burger (Yakiniku Rice Burger)

This was lunch for today! It’s been ages since I’ve last touched fast food. Often, I’ll try to avoid eating it if possible unless I’m really forced to.

I had Yakiniku Rice Burger (278 kcal). It’s essentially marinated beef slices (kind of like the japanese version of bulgogi) between two japanese rice patties. And as usual, if I ever dine at Mos Burger, this will be my burger of choice. I’m that boring sometimes. Haha(:

2 responses

  1. This looks great… do you ha√e å recipe?

    May 13, 2011 at 6:18 pm

    • iamrina

      Oh no, so sorry! I don’t have the recipe cause’ this was what I got at the fast food restaurant, MOS Burger. But I have this recipe that I bookmarked from Bentoism ! It’s the recipe for Yakiniku rice burger! I’ve been wanting to try this out one day too! Hope this helps! 🙂

      May 13, 2011 at 8:33 pm

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