really random posts about food, eating well and healthy, my life, chocolates and dramas!

Archive for May 31, 2011

382: Series of Misfortunes!

I’m back from Hong Kong and Macau. Wasn’t a very enjoyable trip and it’s probably a place I wouldn’t revisit again! So many things have happened post trip. Series of misfortunes, I must say.

And now, I’m suspecting that I’m suffering from a case of angioedema from the consumption of 1 Aspirin tablet last night. The lower lid of my right eye is a tad swollen. And the only possible reason (and difference) was the 1 Aspirin tablet I took at 815pm last night. The swelling started around 930pm (an hour after the Aspirin). I had hoped sleeping it off would help but it didn’t. Just took 1 Cetirizine tablet and I’m hoping it’ll help reduce the swelling  a little. Angioedema is all about Bradykinin but for some, I did learn that anti-histamine may help for mild angioedema. But the funny thing is that this is not the first time I’m taking Aspirin! I’ve taken Aspirin quite a few times in the past. I remembered back in school when a friend’s eyes were both swollen (she could barely see) after a dose of Aspirin. Well, I’m hoping that the angioedema resolves really soon and if so, I’m totally avoiding Aspirin from this day on. I feel like a puffy goldfish now 😦