really random posts about food, eating well and healthy, my life, chocolates and dramas!

660: You are Worth More Than Maybes

“Say something I’m giving up on you.”

Feels like deja vu all over again, just like what happened 6 years ago. The peaks and troughs, the rollercoaster ride of emotions, they hold you up so high (and it was magical), and then you’re suddenly at a deep low, no answers, just lost. And then they ghost. They disappear from your life, they don’t reply your messages or merely appear disinterested but yet, they secretly ‘stalk’ to see how you are doing on your social media accounts.

You are worth more than almosts. You are worth more than likes on instagram and snaps. You are worth more than random texts and inconsistent behavior. You are worth more than someone who texts back days later or forgets to respond. You are worth more than poor communication and broken promises.”

As I look back and think about all those that you’ve written, it feels like ‘crap’ now. You’re just another loser, another jerk, another douchebag who is undeserving of my love. Perhaps I’m a diehard hopeless romantic. But this is not how you should be treating a girl if you truly like her (what about “I like you too much for that?” crap.

Maybe you had options. And I was just one of them, or that you were just trying your luck (and it happened to be an easy-getter, you derive no enjoyment out of it).

“You are worth more than sometimes. You are worth more than being a second choice. You are worth more than someone who occasionally makes time for you. You are worth more than someone who doesn’t make an effort to be in your life more or try to spend more time with you. You are worth more than someone who keeps you guessing and waiting because they’re not clear. You are worth more than someone who cares more about their other options than you.”

Obviously. I know that. But I don’t why I keep going back to you again and again. Wishing you could just reply that you’ve thought things through and you wanted something more than what it is right now. Because right now, I’m a mess. I’m so utterly confused by what you want.

Because, girl…

You are worth more than questions. You deserve answers. You deserve someone who shows up and doesn’t make you doubt yourself. You are worth more than someone who keeps playing games and is still trying to figure out how they feel about you. You deserve someone who is strong enough for you. Someone who holds on. Someone who doesn’t let go easily.

You are worth more than sweet nothings. You deserve more than just a few compliments or drunk texts. You deserve more than someone who keeps leading you on but never follows up. You are worth more than someone who keeps promising you love but goes on to break your heart. You are worth more than someone who leaves. You deserve someone who stays.

You are worth more than half-hearted love. You are worth more than someone who makes you cry or someone who makes you give up on love. You are worth more than someone who keeps you staring at your phone waiting for a text or a call. You are worth more than someone who doesn’t know how to love you.

You are worth more than goodbyes. You are worth more than rejections or someone who picks someone else over you. You deserve more than someone who decided to quit, someone who walked away too fast and someone who left without closure. You are worth more than someone who didn’t choose you. You deserve to be someone’s only choice.”

And if this guy does not see you as what you are, walk away. You deserve better. Don’t think. Living well is the best revenge right now. And I wish you well, if that’s how you’re treating every lady, you don’t deserve any love at all.


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