really random posts about food, eating well and healthy, my life, chocolates and dramas!

113: Back to Reality

I’m back from a day of wedding celebrations. It has been long since my maternal side had a wedding. And it was alright, as usual. I had fun with the cousins. But the discomfort of having to wear contact lenses (you know, contacts make my eyes way too dry), the air-con in the ballroom (I was freezing cold) and the dress just make me less at ease and quite uncomfortable. But well, I got through fine.

It’s back to school tomorrow. And I’m really dreading it. I dread facing the 108 people in my class and having to pretend to be sociable all again. There are days when you just don’t feel sociable. I really dread facing the people in school, the crowd in school, the crowded public buses etc. Sigh but it’s reality:) I’m going to be homesick tomorrow. At least, I’m glad that I have my family, my rock. And my music (music calms me, it’s therapeutic). And a really wild imagination (I think I’m a dreamer).

But I’m glad school starts in the afternoon tomorrow and it’s only a 2 hour lecture. That means I can sleep in a little while longer. And I’m praying really hard that my 5 weeks of agony won’t come to waste! I hope that today will just be a tiny break and please do not appear. Please lie low. Please do not appear.

Something really nice. Taeyang and Thelma Aoyama’s Fall in Love PV is out!

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