really random posts about food, eating well and healthy, my life, chocolates and dramas!

Archive for May 6, 2010

190: Tea, a Drink with Jam and Bread!

I had this for tea! Looks strangely weird! I think the brown/black and white specks on the toast looks like mould. But it’s NO MOULDY BREAD! It’s for tea time. I was feeling hungry by 3pm today after having my lunch at 11am and there were practically nothing left at home to munch on. So I settled for some wholemeal wheatgerm and wheatbran bread.

I cannot resist peanut butter! I think peanut butter goes on super well with wholemeal bread! They both complement one another, both equally nutty and yummy. So what you see here is actually toasted wholemeal wheatgerm and wheatbran bread with peanut butter, a dust of cocoa powder and toasted wheatgerm!

So delicious, I’m craving for more. (: I think it helps to have nothing “unhealthy but yummy” to munch/chew at, at home. I have the urge to drop by the nearby supermarket to get some of those “unhealthy but yummy” junk like my chocolates and ice-cream and biscuits. But the weather is so hot. The sun is just terrible and I felt lazy having to brave the hot sun! And I think the weather’s gone crazy. It started pouring like crazy half an hour ago and now the sun and the heat’s back. Urgh ): So in a way, the weather did help. I’ve stayed away from those “unhealthy but yummy” junk for about a week, relying on the natural sugars from fruits to curb some of my sugar cravings. And it’s a super big achievement for me thus far. I’m going to keep it going…