really random posts about food, eating well and healthy, my life, chocolates and dramas!

Archive for May 31, 2010

207: The Day I Forgot

…About my exam results release date, that is.

I woke up this morning to my phone alarm, only to discover an sms from school, with nothing else but this semester’s exam results. It then struck me that it was 31st May today. I’m usually really alert about results release date, that is I’ll usually log into the school’s system at 8:58am (if the time of release is 9:00am and count down until then). But this time round, school implemented the push SMS system so we got our results way earlier before the actual release time. I actually received the sms at around 1am on 31st May.

The work has tired me all out and I’m so sleepy and exhausted every night when I reach home. It was 2 days in a row that I slept with my laptop on, on my bed (only to discover that I left it on at around 4-6am the very day). I was apparently trying to clear some unread emails, online posts and attempt to watch my laggy drama. I’ve lost track of the days. So it wasn’t surprised that I’ve forgotten about 31st May. All I was looking forward to was my rest day on 31st May (today)!

It was good, in a way. Usually, I’ll be all jittery and nervous before the release date but the fatigue has wiped out all traces of jittery nerves in me. So it was a really PLEASANT surprise when I received the sms this morning! I’ve improved once again! My CAP has improved once again (well, for every semester, that is). Well done, Rina 🙂 Did much better than I’ve expected because I thought the papers were really scary. Here’s to another semester of straight As! YAYS:)

Well, it’s then down to horrible FYP next semester. I’m so NOT looking forward to it. Oh please, I’ve no idea how to go about doing FYP. Oh save me from this crazy world!

Shall not think too much cause I am so looking forward to my dinner meeting with my friends. YAYS:)